31) Belated congrats to @OranMorGlasgow, Ub Chip and others @ Dram Awards. Wld have liked invite, but not 1 to whine, at least not 2 loudly
Exactly Scott: how are us ordinary Joes meant to keep up with the latest Design Award news if you citizen journalists are being excluded from the ceremonies? I feel your pain, but not too much
30) Couldn't help but overhear 2 lagermen at the bar promoting fizzy p*sh over ale because it didn't have too much taste - the defence rests!
Damn, didn't even know that trial had started. Think tickets still available for the Public Gallery?
29) One tequila Two tequila Three tequila....Floor
Remember kids: DrinkAware
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Good to see @theBonAccord joining in the fun |
28) SPL football classics continue tonight: Dunfermline v St Mirren (showing live at Mathers, Ye Olde Inn, Spiers Bar) Let the good times roll!
Definition of classic I was previously unacquainted with.
27) This idiot woman at the Nike store kept referring to their selection of "beer drinking couch pants" as "yoga pants".
Normally I wouldn't condone shopping at Nike stores but this little pearl struck a chord with me, as did...
26) I felt kind of sad sitting in a restaurant alone eating lunch, then I saw a woman with 6 kids and I felt fucking awesome
Two for the price of one there.
25) Dear Polmailly Hotel - Do everyone a favour who enjoys the Scottish Highlands and close down - you are a disgrace! #robbingbarstewards
So no Taste of Scotland nomination there then. Plenty of potential with that hashtag, mind.
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@thethreesheets & @Rhodeshannah messing around with @the3Judges board |
24) Are the Judges REALLY selling Carlsberg Spesh? #ivebeenpunkd
Don't feel bad, I too was fooled. Halfway into town before realising this Judges snap had probably been photoshopped. Probably.
23) Cool things next week: 1) BrewDog Photo Competition 2) BrewDog Annual Staff Party 3) Black Tokyo Horizon 4) Brewing a golden imperial stout
So just to be clear: You're definitely not going to Earls Court for the GBBF then?
22) Dear @stephenfry, the laminate flooring at the Euston Tap has seen better days. Please RT.
Alas some things are beyond the power even of the Grand old Dame of Twitter
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Are you following me to @Jocktoberfest? 9& 10 September, Are you? Aw, it's gonnae be great man |
21) Hi, I used to drink Corona until 6 months ago when I discovered Brewdog. Now I'm going to lecture CAMRA about good beer
Even the longest journey starts with one small step.
20) Haha, nice. I used to drink Tennent's until 6 months ago when I discovered Brewdog. I now have their tattoo in my face
Frits ups the ante
19) "refreshingbeer.blogspot.com is probably written by a male somewhere between 66-100 years old. " Get off my lawn.
Yeah get off his lawn, Brewdog are outside and they need somewhere to park their tanks.
18) The Health Reform Party continued with their edict, outlawing coffee. With alcohol and nicotine already gone, the last legal drug was sugar
Told you about this guy before so you know the drill. He does requests too, just send him a word and he'll create a story around it
17) Brewdog's James Watt just confused me for @robsterowski. Awkward!
Hi, @BrewDogJames. I'm me, @robsterowski is him. Hth. Ps loving the booze
Will got hit in the crossfire, and even he may not be able to say which Fall track that lyrical snippet featured on....
16) @willmill82 @Glasgow_Red i see why you want brewdog to sponsor the 'wall. Both controversial, inconsistent and all mouth.
Kenny adding a unique Lahndan football perspective to the Craft/Keg debate. Which part of Campaign for Real Ale don't you understand?
15) 800 Golden Oldies Hockey Players coming tomorrow so best avoid 12pm - 4pm
Don't forget: Twitter isn't just there for the nasty things in life such as sniping and casual sarcasm. Oh no, there is a public service information aspect to it as well.
14) Guy at the bar firing into the half pints and ticking off beers in a book of beer notes that looks likes it was his grandfather's before his
So you've actually seen the author of refreshingbeer.blogspot.com then?
13) The Langside: D-IPA & Marstons EPA - OK pale ale, Pedigree would be better. Food looks ex value, WiFi friendly
If your enjoyment of a fundamentally pedestrian cask bitter has ever been ruined by the absence of broadband access for handheld mobile devices then Adam has found the ideal Southside boozer for you.
12) Bravo for Chiswick Brewer Mister FULLER who does celebrate his noted Ale 'pon the Twitter today #LondonPride
Best of numerous posts along these lines generally reflecting more enlightened attitudes amongst the, lets face it, socially conservative real ale drinking community. You've come a long way baby.
It's rather loud, brash and slightly camp. It must be the RSAMD ball!
And just to ram the point home here is Joe having a ball at the ball
11) Haye Fever in Edinburgh last night. Pubs - who paid the money - were packed out. Broken toes everywhere. Naebody greetin about it tho
As sporting excuses go suspect this one will outlast the HayeMaker's career. And did you notice how I avoided an easy, cheap crack about Edinburghers parsimony?
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These should be the minimum entry level requirements for all pubs. Courtesay of @Dianogah |
10) Poured some shite pints today. Somebody asked for a lager I didn't know and I was like that "fuck it, he's getting a Tennent's". Smooooth
Amanda has been doing some quality tweeting from behind the bar of a, ahem, large pub chain with which us fiscally challenged Real Ale troughers are all too famillar. Reluctant to blog any of them for fear of jeopardising her employment. However now she is pursuing career opportunities elsewhere here are a couple more choice cuts:
9) Talking tae nae cunt. Throwing words into the abyss Make of them what ye will. John Smiths is aff the noo, want a Guinness instead?
Just love all this stream of consciousness stuff
GET OOT MA PUB! RT @ordinalsuffix: @amandacraig See if I wanted a Guinness, I'd have asked for a Guinness. Nah, fuck it, geez a Guinness
She's like a female, Glasgow version of Hunter S Thompson. Not going to tell you which pub these gems got posted from but Tony's up next with a very big clue...
8) Good staff in the Counting House? Wow. That's only in halfs. I know. You want 2? Dark Island Reserve still on #glasgowbeer
Aye, they work hard for the money. So be sure to treat them right.
7) The outside bit at The Three Judges is full of extremely sweary women, and me
Colin sounding just a little bit threatened there. Lets hope he doesn't bump into Amanda.
6) its hot in the pot, come blow on the bar staff to keep them cool :)
Buy a fan you bunch of tightwads
5) We hate Abbot Ale at Mashed, but can't help but love Abbot Reserve. Especially at 1.80 per pint in Society Room. #abbotno #abbotreserveyes
Mashed expressing a sentiment that has crossed all our minds at some point. How can the same brewer/brewery make such a brilliant beer amidst so much fundamentally pedestrian cask bitter? Creative use of the Hashtags. Bit wary of first person plural though.
4) Last episode of current series of Four Rooms this eve on Ch4 8pm http://t.co/M3Uibf1 for the next series I'll be on selling my beer mats
Not so sure about this one Scott, sounds like another one of your get rich quick schemes destined to end in disappointment. Just make sure you get that crazy Goth woman out the way first. She never offers the true value of anything. And for goodness sake don't settle for a round of 70/- with a packet of crisps thrown in.
3) Enjoy the Open Golf and your beer this weekend, but remember Dean Martin's words of warning: "If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt."
Ah the great Deano. Only he could get a laugh out of the twin evils of drink driving and stickball
2) I've been attempting to smuggle Stella 'cross th'Scottish border in a suitcase, but th'incessant drunk'n singing blew our cover.
If only ABInBev had encountered the same difficulties.
1) Backstage #tinthepark Sandwiches, warm beer, distant roar of crowd. I was never a contestant on Bullseye but I imagine it felt like this
Yeah, and a speedboat would be as much use to you there as it was for those winning contestants.